Kulturgasthof Engel | 72280 Dornstetten | Tickets sold out!
Kultur im Café-Naturtheater | 89522 Heidenheim | Tickets:
15.02.2025 Gig mit Irish Dance
Kurhaus | 74924 Bad Rappenau | Tickets:
St. Patrick's Day | Zehntscheuer | 72336 Balingen | Tickets
St. Patrick's Day in der Weilachmühle | 85250 Altomünster/Thalhausen | Tickets:
Old Hamburg | 72108 Rottenburg | Tickets
Folk-Club Villingen | 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen | Tickets
Kulturverein Manufaktur | 88255 Baienfurt | Tickets
17.05.2025 Gig mit Irish Dance
Bürgerzentrum, Stuttgart-West | 70193 Stuttgart | Tickets
Alte Kelter | 73614 Schorndorf / Miedelsbach | Tickets
Kulturscheune | 71729 Erdmannhausen |
DreiKW | Schlossscheuer | 73235 Weilheim an der Teck | Tickets
Forum Mitte | 71332 Waiblingen | Tickets
Gemeindehaus Pauluskirche | 74321 Bietigheim | Tickets
Dorfscheune | 72072 Tübingen - Kilchberg I Tickets
Rathaussaal | 72800 Eningen | Tickets
Rentamtskeller | 71568 Oppenweiler | Info | Tickets
Tbc* Gig mit Irish Dance
Halle 16, Kulturzentrum | 72172 Sulz am Neckar | Tickets
Tbc* | 71729 Erdmannhausen |
Tbc* wird noch bestätigt!

The fun-loving folk band Colludie Stone brings a sparkling program that infects and captivates the audience. The active and successful group has been known in southern Germany and beyond for over 15 years, and their very own musical style is now unmistakable. They guarantee authentic Irish-Celtic folk with traditional instrumentation. A wide range of Irish folk instruments are used, from which the musicians coax a broad soundscape. The four musicians perform a variety of songs, tunes and ballads with noticeable love and great enthusiasm. They often interpret traditional pieces in a refreshing new way with their own arrangements, and the mix with modern songs makes the program a musical treat. The musicians ensure moments of deep connection with the world and rhythm of the land of lush green meadows. The extremely active and creative musicians have now become successful with this.
Zwei bisher erschienene CDs – „Native Land“ (2015) und „Streetwise“ (2019) erhielten in der einschlägigen Presse beste Kritiken. So wird der Gruppe ein „nicht nur spieltechnisch, sondern auch vom Sound her ein sehr hohes Niveau“ ( Celtic-Rock-Radio) bescheinigt.
Das Musikermagazin „Folker“ rezensiert in einer Ausgabe die erste CD „Native Land“ und stellt fest: „Musik, die zwischen traditionellen Melodien und vertrackten Arrangements Spannung aufbaut. Da sind Könner am Werk!“
Das zweite Album der schwäbischen Irish-Trad-Band begeistert den Freund zugleich quirliger irischer und schottischer Musik. Schnelle etwas vertrackte Tunes wechseln ab mit Balladen. (Musikermagazin: Folker)
2018 TV-Auftritt in der ARD / SWR !

Media / CDs
"Streetwise" 2019
We proudly present our 2nd album
with four beautiful ballads and rousing songs. Plus eight traditional and modern tunes that we have edited, some to dream to, some to dance to.
This CD reaches a very high level not only in terms of playing technique, but also in terms of sound. celtic-rock.de
This brilliant and virtuoso album, which also contains dreamy and melancholic tracks, should not be missing from any folk CD collection. The overall quality of the CD is very high and the interplay impressive. We rarely hear an album that is so well conceived and varied - everyone involved deserves great praise!
"native land" 2015
Debut album by a Swabian Irish folk quartet with five songs and seven tunes of the finer kind. More music for tea time than for a loud pub party, which builds tension between traditional melodies and complicated arrangements.
There are experts at work here, which can also be seen in the elaborately designed booklet.
review of Folker-Magazin

Booking / Inquiry / Newsletter/
Collude Stone, Irish-Celtic folk
Would you like to perform a concert with us, or are you a friend of our music?
Here you have the opportunity to contact us. Either via the contact form or via our email address.
We will be happy to answer your questions!
If you would like to receive regular information about us and our concert dates, you can also order our newsletter here (keyword: newsletter)!